Thursday 6 October 2016

When I think write about a prezzie, I need judgment to choose. If you think, anything is a prezzie: stone, review, flower, balloon, books, travels, etc. For that reason, today I will to talk about of my prezzie more important according to his importance emotional. However, this judgment isn’t easy.  Therefore, I write about the book more important in emotional term, because read is really important in my adolescence.
In 2012, when I return to Santiago after my “mochileo” for the north, my girlfriend of this time, was waiting my return with an amazing book: “La vuelta al día en ochenta mundos” of Julio Cortázar, one of the most important Argentinian writer of the twenty  century and, why not, one of the most creative writer of the America. In this book, Cortázar write about the art, reflect around the human condition in the modernity: the absurd, the affiliation politics, the horror, the fear, the boredom and the obsessive routine character, with this little gesture of fantasy.
I like this book because, when I was a little boy, I looked for little vanishing point. When this ex-girlfriend gif me the book, I feeling really happy because I knew the important reflect contents. Now, “La vuelta al día en ochenta mundos” is in my library, in the most visible position.


  1. Cortazar is on my list of authors I want to read, but I just never find the time! What would you recommend for starting reading him?

  2. Cortazar is great. I have read all his tales, but I didn't know this book, do you recommend it? There is a quote of Cortazar that I love, from the tale "Bruja" ("Witch"): "Nadie cree en las brujas, pero si descubren a una la matan". I am going to try a translation: "Nobody believes in witches, but if they discover one, they kill her"
